The syntax of the Split function is as follows: string.split(separator,max) The separator is a character that has been pre-defined and it gets placed between each variable in the output. However, if the function does not find any defined separator, it uses white space by default. The function scans through a string and separates it when it encounters a separator which has been specified before. We will then take a look at Split parameters in Python and the different ways of using the Split function. What is Split in Python? If you have worked on the concatenation of strings that are used to merge or combine different strings into one, the split function performs just the opposite of it. We will begin by understanding what the Split function does, what the need is for such a function and how we work with this function. In this article, we will take a deeper dive and understand how to use Split is in Python. An example of declaring and displaying a string in Python: name = “Python” print(name) Although we cannot change a string after the declaration, we can split a string into different strings using a variety of different ways in Python.

The split function is used when we need to break down a large string into smaller strings.Strings represent Unicode character values and are mutable in nature which means the value of a string cannot be altered after it has been declared. A string is a collection or array of characters in a sequence that is written inside single quotes, double quotes, or triple quotes a character ‘a’ in Python is also considered a string value with length 1. How to use Split in Python By Priyankur Sarkar The split function is a string manipulation tool in Python.