In response to user requests, the 2.0 release adds significant new capabilities to the TouchMix-30 Pro. Fixed a problem that could prevent display of the channel name label and gain indication.Remedied an issue that could cause Inputs 19 and 20 to send distortion/noise at a high level with a certain combination of settings.Corrected a problem that caused the Compressor on Ch.Rectified a bug that caused all input channels to be assigned to the Main L/R mix when a Channel Reset was performed on the Main L/R even if the input channels had been unassigned.Addressed a bug that could cause Stereo In 27/28 to display the audio level of Stereo In 29/30 when Stereo In 29/30 is selected as a Side Chain source.Repaired an issue that could cause the compressor to operate improperly when certain channels are selected as a Side Chain source.Fixed a bug that could cause the mixer to crash when a very large number of screens have been loaded.

Give yourself time to do the upgrade and get all the mixer’s settings squared away. If you are about to do a show with your gear set up and working don’t be changing things. Before you install the firmware remember the 1st rule of shows… See below for a list of the bugs we’ve squashed. This is a maintenance release and does not add any new features or functionality. Release Notes for TouchMix-30 Firmware Version 5 New Features / Improvements